
Town of New Windsor Press Releases

Please find and view the most up to date news and information regarding the Town of New Windsor listed below.

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Request for Proposals - Sale of Property Located at 323 Sue Kelly Avenue


The Town of New Windsor, located in the County of Orange, State of New York, will receive sealed proposals for:

SBL 91-1-21

Receipt of Initial Proposals:  All sealed initial proposals are to be submitted using the “Initial Proposal Form” included in the “Request for Proposals” documents, obtained as described below.  Sealed Initial Proposals are to be received by the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of New Windsor, by 12:00 P.M. (local time) on October 10, 2024, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud.  

Review & Negotiation / Receipt of Final Proposals:    A three-week period of review and negotiation will follow the public opening of initial sealed proposals and sealed final proposals will then be received by the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of New Windsor, until 12:00 p.m. on October 30, 2024, at which time all final proposals received will be publicly opened and read aloud.  All sealed final proposals are to be submitted using the “Final Proposal Form” included in the “Request for Proposals” documents, obtained as described below.

All documents concerning the request for proposals can be obtained from the New Windsor Town Clerk’s Office in one of the following manners, beginning on Thursday, August 29, 2024:

    1.    In person:  Pick up a hard copy in Town Hall, Town Clerk’s Office, 555, Union Ave., New Windsor, NY, anytime between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.;

    2.    Via Federal Express:  Call or email the Town Clerk’s Office at (845) 563-4611 or and provide all contact information requested, including but not limited to a physical address (not a P.O. Box) where documents can be mailed.  Please note, a $50.00 fee will be required to obtain the documents via Federal Express.

Only people, companies or entities whose name and address are on an official record of having obtained the Request for Proposals will be permitted to submit a proposal and, if necessary, receive any addendums.  The official record will be created and maintained by the Town Clerk’s office.  

OWNERS RIGHTS RESERVED:  The Town of New Windsor, hereinafter called the Owner, reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals and to waive any informality or technicality in any Proposal.  

STATEMENT OF NON-COLLUSION:  All bidders are required to execute a non-collusive bidding affidavit, pursuant to Section 103(d) of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York.  

Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirement as to conditions of employment to be observed and the minimum wage rates to be paid under the Contract, Section 3, Segregated Facilities, Section 109, and Executive Order 11246.

Bidders are also required to comply with the provisions of Section 291-299 of the Executive Law of the State of New York.  

No bidder may withdraw their proposal after same has been received by the Owner.

Subject to the provisions of Article 28, Part III of the New York State Tax Law and the provisions of the Contract Documents, the Owner is exempt from payment of sales and compensating use taxes of the State of New York, and cities and counties, on all materials supplied to the Owner pursuant to this contract.

The location of the bid opening is accessible to persons with disabilities.  If special accommodations are needed for persons with disabilities, those with hearing impairments, or those in need of translation from English, those individuals should contact Patricia Clarino, Town Clerk, at (845) 563-4611 or at least two weeks in advance of the bid opening date to allow for necessary arrangements.”

The Town of New Windsor hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that, in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this Request for Proposals and will not be discriminated against on the ground of race, gender, color or national origin in consideration of an award.  The Bidders/offerors must submit documentary evidence of minority and women business enterprises who have been contracted and to whom commitments shall be submitted concurrently with the bid.

                            TOWN OF NEW WINDSOR

                            By    _____________________________
                                   PATRICIA A. CLARINO
                                   TOWN CLERK   
Date:     August 7, 2024


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Orange County Mobile DMV at New Windsor Town Hall on September 30th

*Due to unforeseen circumstances, the August 26th Mobile DMV has been cancelled. It has been rescheduled for September 30th.

Supervisor Stephen A. Bedetti is happy to announce the Orange County Mobile DMV will be back at New Windsor Town Hall again! The mobile DMV will be here on Monday, September 30th from 10am-3:30pm. New Windsor residents can process many of the normal DMV transactions right here at town hall.

Supervisor Bedetti would like to thank Orange County Clerk Kelly Eskew for once again bringing this service to our residents!

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Orange County Mobile DMV at New Windsor Town Hall on July 29th

Supervisor Stephen A. Bedetti is happy to announce the Orange County Mobile DMV will be back at New Windsor Town Hall again! The mobile DMV will be here on Monday, July 29th from 10am-3:30pm. New Windsor residents can process many of the normal DMV transactions right here at town hall.

Supervisor Bedetti would like to thank Orange County Clerk Kelly Eskew for once again bringing this service to our residents!

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Orange County Mobile DMV at New Windsor Town Hall on June 28th

Supervisor Stephen A. Bedetti is happy to announce the Orange County Mobile DMV will be back at New Windsor Town Hall again! The mobile DMV will be here on Friday, June 28th from 10am-3:30pm. New Windsor residents can process many of the normal DMV transactions right here at town hall.

Supervisor Bedetti would like to thank Orange County Clerk Kelly Eskew for once again bringing this service to our residents!