The New Windsor Town Historian's Office holds numerous documents, books, deeds, wills, genealogical data, census records, assessment records, road records, maps, account books, legal records, marriage records, death records, cemetery records, school ledgers, and other miscellaneous document and artifacts. It also has several collections of family papers and diaries. A majority of these records date from the 18th and 19th centuries.
In addition, the Historian's office contains a 500 volume library, including music and video tapes, covering a variety of subjects pertaining to the American Revolution and many items of local interest. A computerized database is currently being compiled to aid those interested in genealogical information. The historian's office provides research assistance or referrals to appropriate repositories or agencies. This service is provided free of charge. Assistance and advice are provided to owners of historical properties. Those desiring to do scholarly research may make an appointment to access available records. The historian's office also has indexes of other record repositories within the Orange County area.
The historian's office accepts documents or items of historical interest on behalf of the town.
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