*Update 2/28/22: All Town Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Planning Board Meetings are back to being held in person.
 In addition to being held in person, Town Board workshops will also be livestreamed on Facebook for the public to view. Town Board meetings will be held in person, hosted via Webex (for the public to participate live from home), as well as live streamed on Facebook (for the public to watch from home). Please join us in whichever manner you feel most comfortable.

Due the COVID-19 Pandemic, and in compliance with Executive Orders issued by the Governor, the Town of New Windsor will be holding public meetings and hearings through WebEx. Information on each meeting will be posted here, including dates, times, and how to watch and interact (if applicable).

We recommend watching via the live stream on Facebook as the easiest method. You do not need a Facebook account. Where applicable, for the public comment portion of meetings and hearings, information will be posted here and on the Town's Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/newwindsorny) with instructions on how to participate.

Town Board Meeting, Wednesday, March 5, 2024: 7 PM

Meeting Agenda & Resolutions: coming soon
Meeting will be streamed livehttps://www.facebook.com/newwindsorny

To participate in the public comment portions of the meeting:

Meeting will be held in person:
Court Room
555 Union Ave.
New Windsor, NY 12553

Join via Webex: Click Here
Join WebEx by phone (Audio only): 1-415-655-0001, Meeting Access Code: 2342 038 2075

If you are unable to join us either in person or through the Webex meeting, please email any public comments or questions to questions@newwindsor-ny.gov and they will be addressed during the public comment portion of the meeting.

Town Board Workshop, Monday, March 31, 2024: 7 PM

Meeting Agenda: coming soon
Meeting will be streamed livehttps://www.facebook.com/newwindsorny

There is no public comment during this meeting.

Meeting will be held in person:
Supervisor's Conference Room
555 Union Ave.
New Windsor, NY 12553