The Planning Board reviews proposals submitted to the town for subdivisions, lot line changes, site plans, site plan amendments, and special permits as described in the Town of New Windsor Zoning Codes. Reviews are conducted to consider public safety and code compliance for each project.
Application to the Planning Board begins with submitting a building permit application to the building department for the purpose of proper history tracking. The application is then denied and referred to the Planning Board for review.
Planning Board Documents Meeting Agendas & Minutes | Archived Planning Board Files
Planning Board Workshop Application Workshop Application - Must be printed on legal size paper.
Meeting and Submittal Deadlines Planning Board meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Work sessions are generally held on the first and third Wednesday of each month and are by scheduled appointment. All meetings begin at 7:00PM. 2025 Planning Board Schedule Note: Plans submitted by the deadline date do not assure placement on the next agenda.
Apple Ridge Draft Environmental Impact Statement | Download Link
The draft environmental impact statement is available to download. Please note that the file is approximately 200 megabytes in size and will take some time to download.