Welcome to the Town of New Windsor's Historical Records Page. This project began in 2000 with the transcription of Town minutes books, road records and account books. It is the intention to present these records as an aid to those wishing to explore the past, locate an early relative, or just spend some time reading about our local government.
Many people were responsible in assisting the Town Historian in completing this task, some playing an active role and others supporting this ambitious project. Particular thanks are in order to John McDonald (Webmaster), Dorothy Hansen (Town Clerk), and her staff, for making the records available. Jo Anne Fatherly for her time and dedication to indexing and formatting. Town Supervisor, George J. Meyers, & Town Board Members John Finnegan, Patricia Mullarkey, Pauline Townsend, and David Green for their support. Finally, to all those those that I have consulted and inconvenienced to make this project happen.
Glenn T. Marshall, Town Historian
INTRODUCTION The following records are presented in a chronological order. Earlier records pre-dating the establishment of local government will be added in a separate section at a later date. Early Town Clerks recorded pertinent information in a series of deer skin and leather bound volumes. Each book was used until no further pages were available. In addition, they copied orders for sales, indentures, stray animals, book of animal marks, slave records, school records, by-laws, poor records into the minute books.
Each book will be presented in its entirety which include misspellings, grammatical errors. All page numbers correspond to those in each book. From time to time some corrections were made to those bracketed [ ], undecipherable words will be dashed or dotted (.....) excluding only the unrecognizable letters. Crossed out sentences have also been included along with contemporaneous scrawling contained on the covers. There have been no attempt to either change the written text or edit it beyond what has been mentioned above.
An index has been made to assist in locating either a particular individual or event. One only need to click on it and you will be brought to that page. As time permits additional minutes books and records will be added. To be included will be early cemetery records and their locations in Town, early church records, the Proprietor's of New Windsor Journal 1749-1772, early Colonial Acts and orders pertaining to Town Government, deed and will inventory, family folders, business records, school records and finally the Mulliner Family Papers 1800-1898.
Please forward your comments, questions or suggestions via email to Glenn T. Marshall - Town Historian.
In 1763, Part of Ulster County: Highlands Precinct was divided into New Windsor Precinct and Newburgh Precinct. Some records of the Precinct, Town, and Village of Newburgh are also online.
Precinct Records Minute Book, 1763-1796 Precinct Records Names Index, 1763 - 1796
Precinct Records Minute Book II, 1792 -1828 Precinct Records Names Index II, 1792 -1828
Additional Genealogical Research Databases for New Windsor
Bethlehem Church Marriage Records New York Census 1825 Town of New Windsor 1790 Census Town of New Windsor then Ulster County Volunteer's from New Windsor during the Civil War from Ruttenber's History of New Windsor American Civil War - Orange County Links Page Orange County Gen-web - Genealogical Research Little Britain Methodist-Episcopal Church Route 207 Newburgh Free Library Orange County Genealogical Society