The 2020 Standard Schedule of Fees has been amended to include the following Town Clerk Genealogy Copy fees. Click HERE to view the Motion to Amend the 2020 Schedule of Fees, from the March 4th, 2020 Town Board Meeting.
The standard fee for a genealogy copy is $22.00 – This includes a copy of the certificate, a three-year search of the index, the retrieval and re-filing of the microfilm/microfiche and either a copy of the record or a no record report. When more than a three-year search is requested, the fee is higher in accordance with the chart below:
Period Searched
1 to 3 years
4 to 10 years
11 to 20 years
21 to 30 years
31 to 40 years
41 to 50 years
51 to 60 years
61 to 70 years
71 to 80 years
81 to 90 years