29 October Orange County Executive Order: Burn Ban - State of Emergency Declared on October 28th October 29, 2024 By Danyelle Barrett General 0 Executive Steven M. Neuhaus Issues Burn Ban Executive Order COUNTY OF ORANGE EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 13 OF 2024 DECLARING A STATE OF EMERGENCY IN ORANGE COUNTY DUE TO PROLONGED DRY WEATHER CONDITIONS AND PROHIBITING CERTAIN BURNING ACTIVITIES I, Steven M. Neuhaus, County Executive of the County of Orange, State of New York, do hereby declare as an EXECUTIVE ORDER the following: WHEREAS, the entirety of the County of Orange (hereinafter the “County”) has been experiencing prolonged dry weather conditions over the course of several months, which has resulted in extremely dry vegetation and environmental conditions that are susceptible to fire; and WHEREAS, said prolonged dry weather has created a real, immediate and continued danger of wildfires and fire-related hazard, and the concomitant perilous effect on the lives and safety of the inhabitants that live in the effected portions of the County, and which require immediate measures to protect the lives, health and safety of the public; and WHEREAS, local fire officials are reporting elevated fire danger levels that are a direct threat to the lives, health and safety of the residents and visitors in the County; and WHEREAS, the National Integrated Drought Information System currently lists the County as being “Abnormally Dry” and provides that September 2024 was the 8th driest September on record for Orange County over the past 130 years; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 24 of the Executive Law of the State of New York, the County Executive of Orange County, as its Chief Executive, is authorized to proclaim a local state of emergency within any part or all of the territorial limits of the County of Orange, and in connection therewith the County Executive may promulgate local emergency orders to protect life and property or to bring the emergency situation under control. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Steven M. Neuhaus, as County Executive and Chief Executive of the County of Orange, New York do hereby find the public safety to be imperiled by the present and imminent conditions created by the above-referenced weather conditions and the resulting risk of fire and fire-related hazards to the lives of residents, officials, rescue workers and other in the County of Orange and, consequently, to safeguard the lives, health, safety and property of the public, I do hereby declare a STATE OF EMERGENCY for the entirety of the County of Orange pursuant to, inter alia, New York State Executive Law Sections 24 and 25, beginning at 1:00 p.m. this date, October 28, 2024, and continuing until such time that I declare the State of Emergency is no longer necessary or such declaration expires by law, whichever is first; and I FURTHER ORDER, that as a result of my Declaration of a State of Emergency and above findings, that for the duration of this Declaration and Order subject to extensions, if necessary, that the following is hereby PROHIBITED within the boundaries of the County of Orange: All outdoor burning of any material, including, but not limited to, yard waste, household paper products, bonfires, campfires, warming fires, outdoor fireplaces, outdoor chimneys and any cooking fires unless such an activity is expressly authorized by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The following exceptions shall apply to the above list: (i) outdoor cooking for food exclusively is permitted within a contained gas or charcoal grill; (ii) any firefighting training; and (iii) any burn operations expressly approved by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Pursuant to New York Executive Law § 24(5), any person who knowingly violates this Executive Order is guilty of a class B misdemeanor. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately and, pursuant to New York Executive Law § 24(3) shall be (1) signed in quadruplicate, (2) published as soon as practicable in a newspaper of general circulation in Orange County and transmitted to the radio and television media for publication and broadcast, and (3) filed within 72 hours or as soon thereafter as practicable in the (i) office of the Clerk of the County Legislature, (ii) office of the County Clerk, (iii) office of the Secretary of State, and (iv) State Office of Emergency Management within the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, either directly and/or through the County of Orange Division of Emergency Management. ORDERED this 28th day of October, 2024 Hon. Steven M. Neuhaus Related Articles NYS Burn Ban in Effect for Orange County: March 9-May 14, 2025 *BURN BAN IN EFFECT FOR ORANGE COUNTY* Effective yesterday, New York State has issued a Burn Ban in response to the increased fire activity and potential for wildfires across the state. This includes any and all open residential brush burning until May 14th, 2025. Additional information on the burn ban, including what is and is not included, can be found on the NYS DEC's website: https://dec.ny.gov/environmental-protection/air-quality/open-burning?fbclid=IwY2xjawI8GltleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHZJ06J_zHaBBqbNxaL87i2r8trbj3fQfyNZn-ebG0t9EO3ikHjIJNUd4Qg_aem_--1hAHv5eRV24z596hzFUA Orange County Mobile DMV at New Windsor Town Hall on June 28th Supervisor Stephen A. Bedetti is happy to announce the Orange County Mobile DMV will be back at New Windsor Town Hall again! The mobile DMV will be here on Friday, June 28th from 10am-3:30pm. New Windsor residents can process many of the normal DMV transactions right here at town hall. Supervisor Bedetti would like to thank Orange County Clerk Kelly Eskew for once again bringing this service to our residents! Supervisor Meyers contacting state and county officials regarding COVID-19 vaccine location in New Windsor Supervisor Meyers is contacting New York State and Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus in regards to setting up a COVID-19 vaccination location at the Town Hall Complex. New Windsor Emergency Services has two Registered Nurses on staff who would administer the vaccine to eligible residents. All New York State guidelines would be followed. Supervisor Meyers would like to make it easier for eligible New Windsor residents to receive the vaccine. The town will announce any plans as soon as it has more information from the state and county. Declaration of a Local State of Emergency executed by the Supervisor Click HERE to find the Executive Order- Declaration of a Local State of Emergency executed by the Supervisor on March 18th, 2020. Orange County Hazard Mitigation Public Meeting - November 21, 2024 Orange County is updating its hazard mitigation plan to ensure continued eligibility for federal grants that help protect our communities. The County is holding a public meeting on Thursday November 21st, 2024 at 4:30pm at the Orange County Emergency Services Center at 22 Wells Farm Rd in Goshen, NY 10924. Residents and stakeholders are invited to provide feedback that will help shape the future of our communities disaster resilience. FEMA Mobile Disaster Recovery Centers Open to Orange County Residents FEMA will open Mobile Disaster Recovery Centers in Orange County this week for residents who were affected by Hurricane Ida to get answers to their disaster-related questions, get help uploading documents and get referrals to federal and state agencies. Locations, dates and time are as follows: Orange County -- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Town of New Windsor Community Center 555 Union Avenue New Windsor, NY 12553 Wednesday, Dec. 15 and Thursday, Dec. 16 Munger Cottage Senior Center 19 Little League Drive Cornwall, NY 12518 Saturday, Dec. 18, Sunday, Dec. 19, and Monday, Dec. 20 Survivors do not need to visit a recovery center to apply for FEMA assistance. You can apply online at DisasterAssistance.gov, use the FEMA mobile app or call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362. If you use video relay service (VRS), captioned telephone service or others, give FEMA the number for that service. Helpline operators are available from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily. Press 2 for Spanish. Press 3 for an interpreter who speaks your language. FEMA works closely with the U.S. Small Business Administration, which provides low-interest disaster loans for homeowners, renters and businesses. Some applicants for FEMA assistance may be referred to SBA. If you are referred and SBA determines that you are not eligible for a loan, SBA will refer you back to FEMA, which may open the door to additional FEMA assistance. For official information on New York’s recovery effort, visit fema.gov/disaster/4615. Follow FEMA on Twitter at twitter.com/femaregion2 and on Facebook at facebook.com/fema. # # # FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters. Comments are closed.