The Receiver of Taxes works closely with the Assessor's Office and Water Department in order to keep all accounts updated.
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Property tax bills are mailed out the last week of December. Payments made through January are without penalty. Payments made in February are charged a 1% penalty and payments made in March are charged an additional 1% penalty plus a $2.00 notice fee. After April 1st, all unpaid tax bills are sent to the Orange County Commissioner of Finance for collection.
The Receiver of Taxes is required by law to send tax bills to banks for those homeowners who have escrow accounts. The banks are required to send the Town a #953 Authorization that applies their bank codes to the homeowner's account. Once the tax bill is paid, the homeowner will receive a receipt from the New Windsor Tax Receiver's Office. If no bank code is applied, the tax bill will be forwarded to the homeowner. Pursuant to Real Property Tax Law 922, failure to receive a property tax bill does not relieve the taxpayer of their obligation to pay taxes in full and in a timely manner. If the property taxes are not paid during the interest free period, the taxpayer is obligated to pay interest and penalties for late payments as per New York State Real Property Tax Law 924. Contact the New Windsor Tax Receiver's Office if you refinance your mortgage, pay off a mortgage, no longer have an escrow account, or if you are a new homeowner who is responsible for taxes and utility bills, but have not received them. Third Party Notification - You may designate another consenting adult to receive duplicate copies of your tax bill. File for third party notification at the New Windsor Tax Receiver's Office.
If payment is enclosed in a postpaid wrapper properly addressed to the appropriate collecting officer with a United States postmark date on or before the due date, such payment shall, upon delivery be deemed on time. If the postmark does not appear on such wrapper or the postmark is illegible such payment shall be deemed to have been made on the date of delivery to the collecting officer (if delivered after the due date, this will be considered late). Further, a postage meter postmark or postage purchased from a third party vendor (NOT purchased directly from the United States Postal Service) is NOT a postmark made by the United States Post Office and cannot be deemed timely if received by the collecting officer after the due date.
Utilities are billed on a quarterly basis in December, March, June, and September. If the September bill or previous bills are not paid by October 15th, they will be relevied onto your property tax bill.
For information on your school taxes, you have to call the school district in which you live. 845-563-3490 Newburgh School District 845-497-4049 Washingtonville School District 845-534-8009 ext 8099 Cornwall School District