Animal Control is responsible for enforcing Town of New Windsor dog control ordinances and New York State Agriculture and Market's regulations pertaining to dogs.
Reminder Regarding Regulations for Fowl (Chickens): The boarding, breeding and raising of fowl (chickens) is limited to the R-1 and R-2 zones. This use requires a minimum of 5 acres and Planning Board approval. All other residential zones; R-3, R-4, R-5 and all commerical zones, chickens are not allowed. Please contact the Building Department at (845) 563-4618 if you have questions concerning what zone you're located in. **This does nto apply to approved Agriculture Farms**
New York State requires all dogs over the age of four months be licensed and vaccinated against rabies. Licenses are obtained in the Town Clerk's office and must be renewed annually. Click HERE for Dog Licensing fees and information. The Town of New Windsor has a leash law. Dogs are to be leashed or confined at all times and no dog is permitted to run at large in any public place, street, avenue, road, or highway.
* includes rabies vaccination, Bordetella vaccine and a distemper vaccine, plus the fee for the actual cost of spaying/neutering.