The Town of New Windsor Police Department has a long history of service to the residents of the town. Its roots begin back in 1763 when the town was created from the Precinct of New Windsor, and shortly after the end of the French and Indian War. After establishing a local government, a Constabulary was established consisting of 6 elected constables. These early constables were responsible for patrolling the town, serving warrants, and providing security at annual town meetings and elections. In addition, one of the early constables was also the Poor Master who checked on local families making sure they had food, water and shelter. The Constabulary continued to grow and was supplemented by special officers and a game constable. At various times constables were given warrants to arrest fathers who had been delinquent in rendering monetary support to the mothers of their illegitimate children. In the late 19th century, constables were employed to enforce town laws and Town Board resolution pertaining to animals, livestock, health and sanitation. In 1909 the constables recovered their first stolen car that had been abandoned on the Moodna Creek Bridge. The introduction of the automobile caused many new problems and concerns for town constables. Speeding vehicles accompanied by citizen complaints caused the Town Board to seek assistance from the New York State Police by having a trooper assigned to patrol Quassiack Avenue and assist the constables. During the 1960's the Town Board recognized the need to establish a full time police department. The growth of the town and its population necessitated the change in policing from constables to police officers. The constable now became a part time officer and was assisted by the auxiliary police. In 1961 former Chief Constable James W. Coritz was appointed Chief of Police. In 1965 Chief Coritz organized a full time police department and officers would no longer have to patrol in their own vehicles. The first police car was purchased that year for a sum of $2,359.49. As full time officers were hired, the town secured a building on Ruscitti Road to use as Police Headquarters. This move finally allowed officers to move out of the cramped quarters in Chief Coriz's basement garage. From 1966 to 2007 the Auxiliary Police assisted the Police Department. For full details and history “Click Here”. By 1970 the department had outgrown this building and moved into a store front in the Antonelli building on Windsor Highway. Police Headquarters was later moved to the old Town Hall building at 244 Union Avenue and in 1976 then Town Supervisor William Larkin relocated the police department to Building 708 at Stewart International Airport. Chief Coritz continued to lead the department. He built up a staff of 20 full time officers. He was also responsible for the creation of the first detective position in the department. He retired in 1982 after 30 years of dedicated service. In 1982, Chief Coritz was succeeded by Sergeant Dominick "Nick" D'Egidio who remained in command until 1984. He retired in 1986 after serving as a full time police officer for over 20 years. In 1984 Walter Koury was promoted to chief of the department. Lt. Michael Biasotti was promoted to chief in March of 2004. Deputy Chief Richard Hovey was promoted to chief in February of 2015. Robert Doss was promoted to chief in 2018 and served until his retirement in 2023. In 1991 former New Windsor Police Administrative Sergeant George Green was the Town Supervisor who along with Chief Walter Koury was responsible for the development of the Town's new Police/Court facility at 555 Union Avenue. The Police Department moved into its new headquarters in May of that year.