The office of the Town Attorney is located in Town Hall directly across from the Supervisor’s office.
The Town Attorney performs many tasks. He is the general counsel to the Town Supervisor, Town Board, and department heads. He researches and drafts new Local Laws, and revises existing ones as changes become necessary. He prepares Town Board resolutions and motions to make sure the Town acts legally. He corresponds with Town residents and government officials. On any given day the Town Attorney may be working with the Planning Board Chairman on a zoning issue, reviewing a contract with the Town Engineer for the expansion of the sewer plant, conferring with the Town Comptroller on a new multi-million dollar bond issue, checking with the Highway Superintendent on bids for a garbage truck, or working with the attorney for a neighboring municipality regarding inter-municipal water service. The Town Attorney prepares the contracts in which the town is involved, including multi-million dollar construction contracts for the Town’s municipal facilities or contracts for town-wide ambulance service or the management of an historic site owned by the Town. The Town Attorney makes sure that developers in town live up to their municipal obligations regarding new roads and easements. He approves deeds, surveys, maps, performance bonds, and insurance certificates to insure compliance. The Town Attorney handles special projects such as the transfer of various properties from the U.S. Army to the Town for use as a new Highway garage and future Police headquarters.
Finally, the Town Attorney handles or oversees litigation regarding representing the Town in local Justice Court matters all the way up to complex State and federal court actions.