Dr. Thomas Young - (1731-1799) - Born Little Britain, leader of the Boston Tea Party Dr. Joseph Young - (1733-1797) - Born Little Britain, brother of Thomas, writer of the first medical textbook in United States Clinton Family - The Clintons were of royal personage, immigrating here, they were related to Sir Henry Clinton, who commanded the British Army during the Revolution Col. Charles Clinton - (1690-1773) - Father of James and George, commander of NY Militia during French and Indian War - assault on Fort Frontenac Gen. James Clinton - (1736-1812) - In command of NY Troops with Gen Montgomery in assault on Quebec 1775 - commander of construction of Forts in the Hudson Highlands, wounded and escaped capture during British Attack on Forts Clinton & Montgomery Oct. 1777. Participated with Gen. Sullivan in his campaign to burn out the Six Nations - final field command at Yorktown - present during British evacuation of NY City - member of NY legislature and Constitutional Convention- State Senator - father of Dewitt. Governor George Clinton - (1739-1812) - Clerk Ulster County 1759, NY Assembly 1760, Continental Congress 1775 , Brigadier General Continental Army 1776, Governor & Lt. Governor 1777, President NY Constitutional Convention 1788, Governor 1801, Vice-President of United States 1804, re-elected 1808-1812, died 1812 buried Congressional Cemetery Washington D.C. Governor Dewitt Clinton - (1769-1828) - Son of James, Kingston Academy 1782, Columbia College 1786, NY Bar 1789, Secretary to Governor 1789-1798, NY Assembly 1798, U.S. Senator 1802, resigned, 1803, mayor of New York City 1803, 1808-1809, 1811-1815; NYS Senate 1799-1802,1806-1811, Canal Commissioner 1816-1822, Governor 1817, 1820, 1824, 1826, Dewitt is best known for the Erie Canal and the NY State Canal System.