New Windsor Heroes Veteran Banner Program

Supervisor Stephen A. Bedetti is proud to announce the launch of the New Windsor Heroes Banner Program to honor our local veterans.
Famlies can purchase a banner to be displayed on main traffic corridors of the town to honor their loved ones who have served.

Please find more information and online application on our
New Windsor Heroes Page

Welcome to the Town of New Windsor

New Windsor Town Hall

The Town is committed to provide as many services as possible right online for your convenience at any time of the day! Please continue to visit us often, sign up for our email and text alerts, and follow us on Facebook.

The elected officials and all of our town employees are committed to ensuring that the Town of New Windsor is a safe and affordable place to raise a family. The Town prides itself on its outstanding services it provides to its residents and business owners. Our Police Department is top notch, our roads are maintained to high standards, and our Recreation Department provides a wealth of activities to all age groups.

Town Hall is open to the public Monday - Friday, from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. We encourage anyone who can still conduct business via phone or email to continue to do so. If you have any suggestions or problems relating to the town or services, please do not hesitate to contact the appropriate Town Department.

Caesars Lane WWTP- Expansion Project

The following link provides public access of information for the Caesars Lane WWTP- Expansion Project. Information includes project summary and concept plans, project maps, permit application materials and review status, public information meeting schedule, and the Enhanced Public Participation Plan. This page will be updated throughout the permit review process. 

Virtual Meetings

For more information on how to join in or watch any meeting live streamed by the Town, click HERE.

Upcoming Events

Unveiling of Brewster's Forge Fuller at the Edmonston House

Jul 04, 2018 12:30 PM — Jul 04, 2018 12:30 PM   
Event details

History buff or just want to know more about the history of our great town? Check out this event Wednesday, July 4th at the Edmonston House, 1042 Route 94 in New Windsor.

The unveiling of the Brewster’s Forge Fuller (anvil) now on loan to our museum “The Historic Edmonston House” in Vail’s Gate. Supervisor Green and the Town Board has decided that the Edmonston House with its ties to blacksmithing and its Revolutionary War history is the appropriate place for the public to see this piece of New Windsor history. The house was home to generations of blacksmiths and during the Revolutionary War it served as Headquarters to Major Generals Gates and St. Clair, it also housed the medical staff and supplies for the New Windsor Cantonment.

On July 4th at 12:30pm there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony with guest speakers:

Colin Schmitt, Chief of Staff New Windsor, Assemblyman James Skoufis, Orange Count Historian Joanna Yaun and Doc Bayne, Sterling Forest State Park Historian.

After the ceremony the public is invited to see the new Brewster’s Forge exhibit and the centerpiece of the new exhibit is the fuller. It was on this fuller the “The Great Chain” was assembled. The chain was then shipped down river and anchored to the shores of West Point and Constitution Island to keep British forces from taking control of the Hudson River and dividing the colonies in two. Since both British and American Generals wrote extensively about the need of taking control of the river in order to win the war, the chain, with its defensive fortifications kept the river under American control. By making the chain, Brewster’s Fuller played a part in America’s victory over the British. The event is free and open to the public. The Edmonston House is located at 1042 Route 94 New Windsor, NY.

Town Board Meeting

Jul 11, 2018 7:00 PM — Jul 11, 2018 8:00 PM   
Event details

7pm, Town Hall Court Room
