Please find here the latest information regarding the Town of New Windsor's Water System.
Click HERE to view the Second Quarter 2023 Report for Butterhill Wells, dated July 26, 2023.
Click HERE to view the Butterhill Wells Water Test Results from March 2023.
Click HERE to view the Butterhill Wells Water Test Results for June 2023.
Click HERE to view the Butterhill Wells Water Test Results from September 2023.
On November 6, 2019, with significant assistance from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), production and distribution of potable drinking water sourced from the Butterhill Wells resumed with the benefit of filtration through a newly constructed granular activated carbon filtration system (GAC system). DEC paid for all costs related to this GAC system.
Information on GAC filtration can be found on the EPA Website: PFAS Drinking Water Treatment Technologies
Before any water was distributed for use by Town residents, testing was conducted to ensure it did not contain any detectable levels of the PFOA/PFOS compounds, which caused the Town to shut down the wells in May 2019. A summary of those test results, together with a letter received from DEC regarding those results, both of which demonstrated these compounds were not detected in the treated water, were posted previously. A more complete summary of the test results can be found here. The more complete test results show additional PFAS compounds (commonly referred to as “short chain” PFAS compounds) are also reduced to undetectable (or non-detect) levels with the benefit of the GAC filtration. During the shutdown of the Catskill Aqueduct, DEC will continue to monitor PFAS levels in the treated water being provided to residents on a monthly basis. If PFAS compounds are detected in the treated water during this time, additional steps will be taken to ensure the water from these wells is filtered to non-detect levels or, to whatever extent possible, a different source of water will be used for provisions to the Town’s residents.
Please also note, since the new GAC system will only allow the Town to provide approximately 2.2 million gallons per day of potable drinking water from the Butterhill Wells, during the ten (10) week shutdown of the Catskill Aqueduct, not everyone will receive their water from this source. The following map shows where each area of Town, in general, will receive water from:
As shown in the map above, the east end of Town will receive a blend of water from the Butterhill Wells (marked “BH”) and from an interconnection maintained with the City of Newburgh. Barring any issues with the Butterhill site, the majority of water distributed to this area will be from the Butterhill Wells. Any water drawn from the City of Newburgh during the shutdown is from Brown’s Pond and is treated to non-detect levels through their GAC filtration system.
Another area of Town will receive water during the shutdown solely from an interconnection maintained with the Town of Newburgh (see area on above map marked “TN”). This water is sourced from the Delaware Aqueduct and/or Chadwick Lake, both of which do not, to our knowledge, contain any detectable levels of PFAS compounds.
Finally, the west end of Town will receive a blend of water sourced from the Butterhill Wells and the Kroll Well. Water from Kroll Well is also treated through a GAC system and is tested on a monthly basis. Click on the following links for the most recent test results on Kroll
Please note, the shutdown of the Catskill Aqueduct was initially scheduled to begin on October 7th, but was delayed. It began on November 11th and is scheduled to last for ten (10) weeks. Once it is over, it will take approximately one additional week until the system is fully operational. A decision as to where the Town’s water will be sourced following the ten (10) week shutdown has yet to be made. As decisions are made and/or more information becomes available, we will update the Town website and use other means to keep everyone apprised. If you have questions in the meantime, please call the Town Attorney’s Office at 845-563-4630. They will do all they can to respond to your inquiries or direct you to someone else who can.
Attached on this post are the following test results:
1. March 2020 21 PFAS test results on Butter Hill Wells
2. March 2020 6 PFAS test results on Butter Hill Wells
3. February 2020 21 PFAS test results on Butter Hill Wells
4. February 2020 6 PFAS test results on Butter Hill Wells
5. February 2020 21 PFAS test results on Kroll Wells
6. February 2020 6 PFAS test results on Kroll Wells
Please view the latest test results from NYSDEC by clicking the links below.
Test results on 6 PFAS compounds from Butterhill Wells, from samples taken on 01/09/2020: CLICK HERE
Test results on the full 21 PFAS compounds from Butterhill Wells, from samples taken on 01/09/2020: CLICK HERE
Test results on 6 PFAS compounds from Kroll Well, from samples taken on 01/17/2020: CLICK HERE
Test results on the full 21 PFAS compounds from Kroll Well, from samples taken on 01/17/2020: CLICK HERE