9 Oct New Windsor Police Department- Press Conference October 9, 2019 By Danyelle Barrett Police Department 0 Please find below the latest Press Conference from the Town of New Windsor Police Department on October 9, 2019. Related Articles Two New Windsor Police Officers Complete Drug Recognition Expert Training The Town of New Windsor Police Department announces the graduation of 2 Police Officers who tried out for and were accepted into the Drug Recognition Expert training. Completion of this highly competitive and lengthy 3 week course puts New Windsor at the forefront of combating driving while under the influence of drugs. Police Chief Robert Doss stated, “I am very proud of Officer Sussman and Officer Weed’s successful completion of the very challenging and difficult Drug Recognition Expert program. The deployment of these Officer’s with their knowledge, skill and expertise in the area of drugged driving detection will certainly increase the overall safety of the motorists traveling throughout the Town of New Windsor. The Police Department remains committed to keeping the roadways safe for everyone. We had 75 Driving While Intoxicated arrests in 2018 and we anticipate the numbers of impaired drivers on the roads to increase dramatically in the upcoming years because Governor Cuomo has committed to moving forward with his agenda of legalizing marihuana. The New Windsor Police Department intends to stay ahead of this problem and that is why we now employ 2 of the 7 DRE trained Police Officers in all of Orange County.” 30 Day Public Notice Review and Comment Update Hazard Mitigation Plan TOWN OF NEW WINDSOR TOWN BOARD NOTICE OF THIRTY (30) DAY PUBLIC REVIEW AND COMMENT PERIOD FOR THE ADOPTION OF AN UPDATE TO TOWN-WIDE HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN The Town of New Windsor is preparing an update of their previously adopted 2016 Hazard Mitigation Plan. This update to the Plan allows the Town to remain eligible for future Federal and New York State mitigation and disaster funding. Public notice is hereby given that the Town of New Windsor Town Board is soliciting public review and comment on its Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan for a period of thirty (30) days commencing on January 15, 2021 and continuing through February 15, 2021. The Town Board has therefore directed the Town Clerk to post a complete copy of the Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan on the Town of New Windsor’s website at: www.newwindsor-ny.gov for public review and comment. In addition, a complete copy of the Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan is on file and available for inspection in the Town Clerk’s Office located at the Town of New Windsor Town Hall, 555 Union Avenue, New Windsor, New York 12553. Current Town Hall business hours are, by appointment only, Monday through Friday, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Town of New Windsor Town Board is holding a public hearing on the draft Plan at its March 3, 2021 Town Board Meeting at 555 Union Avenue, New Windsor, New York 12553, at 7:00 p.m. Due to public health and safety concerns related to COVID-19 and in accordance with Executive Orders issued by the Governor of the State of New York, the Town intends to conduct this hearing remotely. Please check the Town’s website and Facebook page prior to the Public Hearing for updates, which may be necessary due to a lifting of the Governor’s Executive Order. If conducted remotely, the public can view the hearing on the Town’s official Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/NewWindsorNY/) or listen by telephone. Information on how to listen by telephone will be posted before the meeting on the Town’s website at http://newwindsor-ny.gov/New-Windsor-Connect/Online-Meetings (a link to this page can also be found on the top right hand side of the Town’s homepage at http://newwindsor-ny.gov/). Any member of the public that wants to be heard regarding the Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan may email questions or comments, before or during the hearing, to hmpc@newwindsor-ny.gov. Every effort will also be made to give the public the opportunity to participate in the hearing via videoconference. Instructions on how to participate will be posted before the hearing on the Town’s Facebook page and on the Town’s website, at the web address listed above. The Town Board and the Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee are inviting input on the Plan from surrounding municipalities and all interested parties. All persons wishing to be heard will be given the opportunity to speak at the public hearing, in accordance with above protocols, or may submit written comments to: hmpc@newwindsor-ny.gov on or before March 3, 2021. Notice Public Hearing: Comprehensive Master Plan Update March 10, 2021 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF NEW WINDSOR LOCAL LAW AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 300 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF NEW WINDSOR ENTITLED “ZONING” AND AMENDMENT OF ZONING MAP IN FURTHERANCE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TOWN’S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of New Windsor will hold a public hearing at a Special Town Board Meeting on the 10th day of March, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in Town Hall, 555 Union Avenue, New Windsor, New York, to consider a Local Law entitled “A Local Law Amending Chapter 300 of the Code of the Town of New Windsor entitled “Zoning” and to Amend the Zoning Map in Furtherance of the Implementation of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan Update.” Said proposed Local Law furthers recommendations made in the Town’s draft Comprehensive Plan Update, includes modifications to its AP, CL-2, PI and R-1 bulk tables, and anticipates rezoning the following parcels within the Town of New Windsor: Town tax map parcels identified as 56-1-22.32 and 56-1-20 shall be rezoned so they are fully within the R-1 zone; Town tax map parcels 26-1-1.1, 26-1-1.2, 40-2-8 and 44-1-14 shall be rezoned from R-5 to R-4; Tax map parcels 29-1-20.31, 29-1-20.32, 29-1-91.22, 29-1-92.22, 29-1-93, 31-3-1, 31-3-2, 31-3-3, 31-3-4.2, 31-3-7, 31-3-8, 31-3-9, 31-3-10, 31-4-1, 31-4-2, 31-4-3, 31-4-4, 31-4-5, 31-4-6, 31-4-7, 31-4-8, 31-4-9, 31-4-10, 31-4-11, 31-4-12, 31-4-13 and 31-4-14 shall be rezoned from OLI to R-1 Town tax map parcels 4-1-31.22 and 4-1-26.2 shall be rezoned from R-5 to R-4; Town tax map parcels 100-1-1, 100-1-2, 100-1-3, 100-1-4, 100-1-5, 100-1-6, 100-1-7, 100-1-32, 100-1-33, 100-1-34, 100-1-35, 100-1-36, 100-1-37, 100-1-38, 100-1-39, 100-1-40, 100-1-41, 100-1-42, 100-1-43, 100-1-44, 100-1-45, 100-1-46, 100-1-47, 100-1-48, 100-1-49, 100-1-50, 100-1-51, 100-1-52, 100-1-53, 100-1-54, 100-1-55, 100-1-56, 100-1-57, 100-1-58, 100-1-59, 100-1-60, 100-1-61, 100-1-62, 100-1-63, 100-1-64, 100-1-65, 100-1-66, 100-1-90, 100-1-92, 100-1-93, 100-1-94 and 100-1-96.2 shall be rezoned to CL-2; and Town tax parcel 95-1-21 shall be rezoned from R-3 to Parks. The hearing will be held on March 10, 2021 at 7:00 p.m., however, due to public health and safety concerns related to COVID-19 and in accord with Executive Orders issued by the Governor of the State of New York, the Town intends to conduct this hearing remotely, with board members participating via videoconferencing technology from various locations. Please check the Town’s website and Facebook page prior to the Public Hearing for updates, which may be necessary due to a lifting of the Governor’s Executive Orders. If conducted remotely, the public will be able to view the hearing on the Town’s official Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/NewWindsorNY/) or listen by telephone. Information on how to listen by telephone will be posted before the meeting on the Town’s website at http://newwindsor-ny.gov/New-Windsor-Connect/Online-Meetings (a link to this page can also be found on the top right hand side of the Town’s homepage at http://newwindsor-ny.gov/). Every effort will also be made to give the public the opportunity to participate in the hearing via videoconference. Instructions on how to participate will be posted before the hearing on the Town’s Facebook page and on the Town’s website, at the web address listed above. Any member of the public that wishes to be heard may email questions or comments, before or during the hearing, to questions@newwindsor-ny.gov. Further comments will also be accepted via this email address for up to 10 days after the close of the March 10, 2021 public hearing. A copy of the proposed Local Law is available at the Town of New Windsor Town Clerk’s Office, 555 Union Avenue, New Windsor, NY and can be found on the homepage of the Town’s website at http://newwindsor-ny.gov/ BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF NEW WINDSOR KELLY ALLEGRA, TOWN CLERK New Windsor Police Announce Registry for Vulnerable Persons The New Windsor Police Department has announced a new program to aid members of vulnerable populations. The department has created a voluntary registry where family members may supply vital information about loved ones who are prone to wandering. This may include individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury or any other type of special needs, physical or mental disability. Participation in this program is completely voluntary and information provided will be kept at the Police Department and only used when necessary to identify or locate a missing or wandering person. In the event of an emergency, this information can allow officers to quickly and efficiently handle any incident that may arise. It provides officers with relevant and pertinent details that aid in identifying and reconnecting vulnerable persons with their loved one when minutes count. New Windsor Police Chief, Dan Valeri stated, “Often times, police officers encounter individuals who may not be able to identify themselves or provide their home address. Being able to search the registry, can assist officers in identifying these individuals and getting them home safely. Additionally, when a family member needs to report their loved one missing, the necessary information is already available for police to disseminate and begin a search.” The goal of the program is to promote community safety, improve officer safety, increase the efficiency of operations, and give community members some peace of mind for loved ones that may be prone to wandering. Registration forms are available online by clicking HERE or in person at the Police Department or Town Clerk, Kelly Allegra’s Office. For further information about the program, contact Sgt. Sylvester at 563-4660. New Windsor Police install new pole mounted speed limit sign Town Police & Highway Department members were on Dean Hill Road recently to talk to some area residents about the installation of a new pole mounted electronic speed limit sign. Town residents Sabrina Oliveri and Kevin Shader had written a letter to the Town about their concerns of speeding cars on Dean Hill Road and requested a sign of this type be installed to help slow vehicles down. Electronic speed limit signs of this type are portable and are used to alert motorists of their speed if they are traveling above the posted limit. The Police Department determined that Dean Hill Road would be a suitable location for the sign to be displayed. The Highway Department installed the sign post and the sign last week. New Windsor Police Chief Robert Doss stated, “I think this is an excellent example of how we all can work together to get things done. Traffic safety in the town is extremely important to us and getting cars to slow down in residential areas like Dean Hill Road is a priority. Motorists have to realize that there are people walking their dogs, people exercising and kids playing in these areas and they need to be aware of their speed and slow down for everyone’s safety.” If you know of a road that you think would benefit from the installation of one of the signs, please contact Sgt. William Ruger. He can be contacted at (845) 565-7000 or at wruger@newwindsor-ny.gov The Police Department recently obtained two of these electronic speed signs using grant funding from The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant. This grant is federally funded and is used for criminal justice programs at the state and local levels. The signs are portable and can be easily moved from location to location depending on need. Pictured in the photos are (L to R): NW Highway Superintendent Anthony Fayo, Kevin Shader, Sabrina Oliveri, Sgt William Ruger, Police Chief Robert Doss, Mrs. Byron, Mr. Vernon Byron. New Windsor Police Chief Graduates Prestigious FBI National Academy The Town of New Windsor Police Department is proud to announce that Chief Robert L. Doss has recently graduated from the 277th Session of the prestigious FBI National Academy. The 277th Session of the National Academy consisted of 256 men and women from all 50 states and 35 different countries. The FBI National Academy is our nation’s premier law enforcement leadership training institution that less than 1 percent of all Law Enforcement Officers in the United States ever get invited to attend. The National Academy is held at the FBI Training Academy in Quantico Virginia, the same facility where the FBI trains its new special agents and intelligence analysts. The 10-week National Academy program provides coursework in intelligence theory, terrorism and terrorist mindsets, management science, law, behavioral science, law enforcement communication, and forensic science. It serves to improve the administration of justice in police departments and agencies at home and abroad and to raise law enforcement standards, knowledge, and cooperation worldwide. National Academy students earn undergraduate and graduate credits from the University of Virginia, which accredits many of the courses offered. While FBI Director Christopher Wray delivered the keynote remarks at the graduation ceremony, FBI Academy instructors, special agents and other staff with advanced degrees provide the training. Chief Doss is a 22-year member of the New Windsor Police Department who worked his way up through the ranks to become Chief of Police in 2018. ****Pictured in the photo is FBI Director Christopher Wray (L) and Chief Robert Doss (R)**** Comments are closed.