31 Jan Feb 4th-Water service interruption for Summit Dr (from Ona Ln to Parkdale Dr) January 31, 2020 By Danyelle Barrett General 0 Due to a leak repair, water service will be interrupted on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 from approximately 9 AM to 4 PM in the following locations: Summit Dr (from Ona Ln to Parkdale Dr) A boil water advisory will follow. See full advisory by clicking HERE. Related Articles LIFTED: Boil Water Advisory: Summit Drive (Ona Ln to Parkdale Dr) Update: As of February 6 at 10:15am the boil water advisory for Summit Drive has been fully lifted. The leak repair scheduled for today has been completed and the water is back on. There is a boil water advisory in affect for Summit Drive (Ona Lane to Parkdale Drive) until further notice. Update from Supervisor Meyers on New Windsor precautions in response to the Coronavirus Pandemic Based on the recommendation of New York State that local governments have 50% of employees working remotely due to the spread of COVID-19, Supervisor Meyers is taking action for the health and safety of our employees and ensuring our government continues to function for New Windsor residents. Town Departments are having employees work from home or in split shifts where possible without affecting services to the public. The New Windsor Police and New Windsor Ambulance are taking extra precautions to protect their officers and staff. Additional precautions are being taken with our highway, water and sewer departments to ensure staff availability to run critical town infrastructure. Town Hall is still open to the public for the time being, however the Town is encouraging the public not to come to Town Hall or our Recreation department unless it absolutely necessary. Please conduct business via phone, email, online or via US mail where possible. New Windsor offers online utility bill payments, court fines and fees payments, online FOIL requests, online mapping, and more on our website at newwindsor-ny.gov. Above all, Supervisor Meyers would like to assure the public that even if Town Hall does close to the public, the New Windsor government will continue to function and provide all critical services to our residents. We will continue to provide residents and businesses with information as it becomes available. Update from Supervisor Meyers: NWPD Bike Patrol, Dog Park & New K9 Officer From Supervisor Meyers: We are introducing a few new additions for New Windsor that have been in planning stages for a couple of months. Beginning tomorrow, July 6, a police bicycle patrol will begin in our housing developments. We have had six of our officers in training for this detail. I think it is important for our officers to interact with our residents on a regular basis. My belief is that this type of patrol will be helpful in accomplishing that goal. The officers assigned to this detail are anxious to get started. There is a schedule of the dates and locations of these patrols and all our housing developments are included. Lieutenant Fred Fayo will provide oversight of this unit. The bikes will be rack mounted on a marked police vehicle and the officer will determine when and how long to patrol on the bike. I have heard repeatedly from our residents that they do not know any of the police officers, and I hope that this will create positive interaction for our residents with our officers. I have been discussing a town dog park for New Windsor for a number of weeks and the park is now a reality. The park is located at our San G Park on Union Ave across from Heritage school. There are two sections for different size dogs and both have shade structures and water bowl filling stations. The gate key required for use of the dog park will be available at the town clerk’s office starting on Thursday, July 8. In addition, as of this past Friday, we have a new K-9 unit assigned to our police patrol unit. Officer Joe Bell and his partner Duke graduated after months of training and will now be on patrol helping to keep New Windsor a safe place for all of us. Hydrant Replacement - No Water 8/25 from 8pm-3am Due to a hydrant replacement water service will be interrupted on Wednesday August 25, 2021 from 8pm to 3am in the following locations: Rt 300 (from Executive Dr to Cause Way) Executive Dr Wembly Rd Freedom Rd Hempstead Rd Commerce Dr Industrial Way A boil water advisory will follow the completion of the work. In the event of inclement weather, this work will be done on Thursday, August 26, 2021 We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions, please contact Scott VanDyke at 845-561-2550. Police Arrest Man in Connection to Thefts from Motor Vehicles Release Date – August 28, 2020: The Town of New Windsor Police Department arrested a man today in connection to stealing property out of parked cars in the Town of New Windsor. The incidents all occurred during the overnight hours between the dates of August 11th and August 21st along Riley Road and Moores Hill Road. Additionally, all of the vehicles involved were unlocked and parked on driveways outside of houses when the thefts occurred. Detective Kevin Moore arrested 46-year-old Michael J. Barilla of New Paltz, NY and charged him with Grand Larceny, 4th degree (E-Felony) and two counts of Petit Larceny (A-Misdemeanor). Mr. Barilla was issued an appearance ticket and released without bail, as per the bail reform law, to appear in the Town of New Windsor Criminal Court on September 10, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. before Town Justice Noreen Calderin. This type of crime is easily preventable and the Police Department needs the public’s help in stopping it from occurring. The public is reminded to lock all car doors when parking a car and to also remove all valuables from the interior of the vehicle. This will eliminate the possibility of becoming a victim of this type of crime. Anyone with additional information regarding these crimes can contact Detective Moore of the New Windsor Police Department at (845)565-7000. Message from Supervisor Meyers Regarding Town Finances From Supervisor Meyers: I want to give a quick synopsis of where the Town of New Windsor is heading next year as it relates to the town’s finances/taxes. The town, as is the case with many businesses and residents, is not in great financial condition. The town comptroller has cautioned me a number of times regarding his concerns as it relates to the town’s fiscal condition going forward next year. Two huge issues/problems facing the town are the economy and our union contracts with our unionized employees. These contracts were negotiated a couple of years ago during different economic times. An attempt was made to seek some concessions from the PBA and the CSEA - to no avail as of this time. Many of our businesses and residents are struggling (nationally 25% of businesses have gone out of business and are not coming back). I have been told many times recently by owners and residents: “I don’t know how I am going to pay my taxes.” We cannot continue going forward as if nothing is wrong. I will update our taxpayers over the coming weeks as to what steps I am going to propose to the Town Board to address this situation. To me, raising taxes is not an option. Comments are closed.